We present recent progress in exploring the detection of superconducting collective modes in NbN, MgB2, and YBa2Cu3O6+x using innovative terahertz spectroscopy techniques. Transient Higgs oscillations and a higher-order nonlinear light-Higgs mode coupling effect were detected in NbN superconductors. In MgB2, the Higgs mode contribution from the dirty 3D pi-band and the Leggett mode contribution were identified. In YBCO samples, a beat pattern in the terahertz signal revealed a coupling effect between the Higgs mode and the mode developed below T*, indicating the pseudogap phase may be a distinct order, not a precursor to superconductivity. This strong coupling effect provides fresh insights into superconductivity and the pseudogap.
HK Institute of Quantum Science & Technology,
Room525, Chong Yuet Ming Physics Building, The University of Hong Kong
Phone: 3917 1108